
Our songs

Във вокалната група при НУ”Св.С.Врачански” гр. Враца  участват ученици от 3 и 4 клас. Ръководител е г-жа Веселина Лалова. Вокалната група изпълнява разнообразни  детски песни на различна тематика. Участва в училищни тържества, конкурси и прегледи на детската песен, от където получава грамоти и награди.
Представяме ви  няколко популярни детски песни.

The school choir consists of children from the third and fourth classes. Its trainer is our music teacher Mrs. Veselina Lalova. The choir performs various children songs on different themes. It has participated in numerous local festivals, competitions and school celebrations. It has been rewarded several times.
During the choir activities the young and talented singers do not only sing, they also talk about vocal performances, dynamics of music, voices, etc.

The first song the children would like to present is “My small book”. The child protagonist of the song is happy to have a new book and learn interesting things from it. 

Now we have the pleasure to introduce to you the song “Who doesn’t eat vegetables”. It says that if one doesn’t eat vegetables, he won’t grow up.  Enjoy vegetables and enjoy the song!

A wonderful song

A cricket difted me a wonderful song.
It is nice, easy and suitable for games.
It is nice but one must know how to play.
The boys stand in a circle facing each other,
Holding violins in their hands so as the crickets.
While the girls sing like birds.