

During the winter holidays the pupils from classes 2G, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4B and 4V were given homework to read the books: “The stories of Nesredin hocia”, “Karlson who lives on the roof”, “Pinocchio”, tales by Charles Peraut, “Harap Alb” and “Robin Hood”. The 4-graders faced a bigger challenge as they had to practice their foreign language and read in English! These titles and authors were chosen with two main purposes:
-         to introduce some examples of the European children’s literature
-         to introduce them the partner countries on the “Arts in action” Comenius project
-         to motivate the children for studying through reading – it is one of our objectives on the Comenius Regio project also held at our school “Motivation of the primary school children for studying through reading”.
After having borrowed the books from our friends, the librarians in the Regional Library, the children shared what had impressed them mostly through compositions, paintings and photos. The final activity was a presentation of what they have learned about the authors and characters and thus about the partner countries. With the children had prepared costumes and masks and performed some dialogues and etudes from the books. They showed puppies of Nasredin hocia (gifted to us by our previous Turkish Comenius partners) and a “real” wooden Pinocchio made by the grandfather of one of the boys – our Gepetto carpenter.
The children shared they loved reading and the time with the characters was full of pleasure for them! At the presentation the teachers showed the book which all the participant classes made together to illustrate their reading task. All the materials were later exposed in the Hristo Botev Regional Library. The classes are looking forward to hosting the whole exhibition in the school lobby.

Учениците от ІІг, ІІІб, ІІІд, ІVа, ІVб и ІVв класове прочетоха през Коледната ваканция книгите: „Карлсон, който живее на покрива”, „Пинокио”,  „Приказки на Шарл Перо”, „Историите на Настрадин Ходжа”, румънската народна приказка „Харап Алб” и „Робин Худ”. Децата изработиха обща книжка – прозорец към света, която илюстрираха със свои рисунки, снимки и впечатления от прочетеното.
С голямо вълнение малките артисти, с помощта на родители и учители, подготвиха своите костюми, грим, прически и представиха театрални етюди с любимите си литературни герои.
Децата споделиха, че са преоткрили удоволствието да четат книги и пътешестват из света на детската художествена литература.


Hi everybody

Hi everybody,
La classe de CM2 de La Croix Rouge vous souhaite une excellente année 2011.
The10-11 years old, CM2 class of "La Croix Rouge" wish you a happy new year.

Нашите партньори - учениците от клас СК2 (възраст: 10/11 г.) от училище La Croix Rouge в Гр. Брес, Франция ни поздравяват за новата година и ни изпращат свои снимки, за да се запознаем.

Our talismans

A wonderful song

Listen to the new song we have prepared for you. You will easily recognize the melody. Yes, it is of the well-known children’s song “Twinkle, twinkle little star”. But in the song we are introducing to you now a little girl sings about her dreams. This is what she says:

“My parents keep asking me all the time what I dream of becoming when I grow up. My dad says “My dear, how I want you to become a pianist! All my life I have dreamt of myself playing the grand piano!” Then my mum adds “I want you to be the most famous at the world fashion shows!” And thus every time they share their own dreams. After all I will tell you I just want to play! Become a pianist or model yourselves, not me!”


Christmas eve

The pupils from Class 3D are having Bulgarian language and literature classes. They perform dramatization of the story “Christmas eve” by the Bulgarian writer Emanuil Popdimitrov. They have divided into two teams. They have selected the songs to accompany the performance themselves. They have provided the scenery too. Their teacher Mrs. Rumiyana Petkova helped just a little.
Here are some extracts of the dramatization.

Oh, the Christmas tree! It is so slender and graceful!
Its twigs shine! Bright holiday is coming,
And the candles are burning.
Tonight God is being born.
God’s mother keeps watching over him
And keeps us too as our own mother does
From troubles and misfortune.
What is this? Let us see! Is that all for us, mum?
Let us crush the round bread
And find the silver coin inside hidden. 

Учениците от трети „д” клас са в час по БЕЛ. Изпълняват драматизация на произведението „Бъдни вечер” от писателя Емануил Попдимитров. Разделили са се на два екипа. Сами са подбрали песните, с които ще озвучат спектакъла си. Осигурили са и декорите. Госпожа Петкова помогна само малко.
            Ето и моменти от драматизацията:
          О, елхата!
          Как е кичеста и стройна, как и вейките блестят!
         Светъл празник иде! И свещичките горят!

         Тая вечер Бог се ражда, Божа майка тамо бди,
         както мама нас ни пази, от неволи и беди.

        Туй какво е? Дай да видим! Всичко ли е туй за нас?
       Да разчупим коледната пита, че парата в нея сребърна е скрита!